Economic and Trade mission to Cuba organised by the CBL-ACP

Mercredi 26 Août 2015 > Dimanche 30 Août 2015

Mission économique

Mercredi 26 Août 2015 > Dimanche 30 Août 2015

Havana, Cuba

The Chamber of Commerce would like to draw your attention to the economic and trade mission to Cuba that will be organised from August 26 to 30, 2015 by the  bilateral Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Belgium-Luxembourg-Africa-Caribbean-Pacific (CBL-ACP) and cordially invites you to participate.

The CBL-ACP Chamber of Commerce is an accredited member of the network of the Belgium-Luxembourg Chambers of Commerce Abroad network BLCCA1.

Since April 2015, a lot has happened in Cuba. Indeed, since President Obama removed Cuba from a list of state sponsors of terrorism, it has been confirmed that the island could be open for business.

Also, only one month later, in May 2015, French President Hollande visited Cuba with an important business delegation in order to well position European companies in the perspective of the lifting of the US Embargo on Cuba. This visit was also historical as it was the first visit of a head of state of a western country since the revolution.

The sectors of interest are various: infrastructure, food, health, environmentally friendly technologies, tourism, ...

With the prospect of the growing opportunities underlying the opening of the Cuban market, we encourage the companies interested in this market to participate to this economic mission.

Registered companies will have the opportunity to meet the local business community during pre-arranged B2B meetings and learn more about doing business in Cuba as well as about the Special Economic Zone of Mariel.

The BLCCA network promotes the economic interests of Belgium and Luxembourg abroad and assists companies of both countries in conquering new markets.

Mr. Guy Bultynck, Chairman, and Mr. Jacques Nyssen, Board Member & Responsible of the Caribbean Chapter, will accompany this mission.

The Permanent Delegate of the CBL-ACP Chamber in Havana, Mr. Benoit Croonenberghs, and his team, will coordinate the bilateral meetings for the participating companies.

If you want to participate, please fill in the registration form in appendix and send it back to the CBL-ACP before the 24th of July by e-mail at or or by fax at the number +32 2 512 28 29.

For further information about this trade and economic mission, please contact:
Anne-Marie Loesch, Advisor, International Affairs
T: +352 42 39 39 - 312 -


1 The network of Belgian-Luxembourg Chambers of Commerce abroad (BLCCA) consists of 27 accredited Chambers and 6 associated members representing Belgian and Luxembourg business interests in a country, a group of countries (e.g. Central America) or a region (e.g. the North of France). Out of the 33 Chambers, 11 are based in Belgium, the remainder having an office abroad. Some other figures: 23 Chambers represent both Belgian and Luxembourg business interests, whilst 10 are (still) only Belgian. Finally, 11 Chambers cover a country or region within the EU, and 22 are active outside of the EU. In total the 33 Chambers cover 120 countries. The BLCCA network receives the support of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Belgian Chambers of Commerce, the umbrella organisation for all Chambers of Commerce in Belgium. The BLCCA network promotes the economic interests of Belgium and Luxembourg abroad and assists companies of both countries in conquering new markets.See